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White Empty Room


Serving Clients in Northwest Houston
Since 2024


Our Story

Inspired by the joys of motherhood, “Sweeps of Grace” is a people centered home cleaning service dreamed out of a combined love for prayer, family, and home. 

I often found myself praying for my spouse, children, and friends during the daily tasks of life. With my hands set to work at the sink or in the children's rooms, I realized this was the perfect time to talk with Jesus. My mind would get lost in prayer as I picked up the toys, dusted the shelves, or vacuumed the floor. I realized this time is a grace set aside for me. These seemingly monotonous moments were carved out of my day as the "sweet hours of prayer that called me from a world of care". 

As a mom, the tasks pile up quickly and are cyclical. Prepare the meal, eat the meal, clean up from the meal - wake up, make the bed, nap in the bed, make the bed again -  it is the beautiful and usual process of our daily life. I began to imagine what it would be like if others could be a part of such a blessing. I envisioned someone praying over my home and family as they cleaned it. I fell in love with the idea of cleaning becoming a simple daily act of worship, and felt urged to invite others into such a joy. Hence was born, Sweeps of Grace.

Karis George

Founder and Owner of Sweeps of Grace

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